Astrology-Made Simple


Raahu Kethu Peyarchi 2011 - Simham

Raahu is moving into your 4th house and Kethu into your10th house.

Suga Sthanam is impaired because of Raahu in the 4the 4th place.  You will have to sacrifice some or many of your comforts of life.  Your relationship with the outside world is likely to suffer.

You will have to suffer a separation from the family, more particularly from your mother.

Some will have to travel abroad under strain and compelling conditions, which you might not prefer at this point of time.

You will not prefer to go out of the country at the present time or you may be in a situation that travelling abroad at this point of time will hamper many of your impending responsibilities.  But you will have no other alternative except accepting a foreign journey, otherwise your livelihood will be affected.  You will have to separate with a paining heart.

There will be some known or unknown enmity or animosity in the circle of your association and this will stall your progress.

Some will have health problems more particularly psychological, neurological or skin related problems.  This is a transient problem and will go with time.

Your efforts to obtain your results may not materialise for no valid reason.  It may appear that you are standing in the dead end of your efforts with no results worth mentioning.

You may have to run from pillar to post to have things done and in the end of the day you will find that nothing has moved.

Exceptionally in one or two cases, your efforts will materialise and you can obtain your objectives successfully.

In the overall, this one and half years period is going to be a period of trial and turbulence


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