Astrology-Made Simple


Raahu Kethu Peyarchi 2011 - Meenam

Your enimites and rivals will gain strength and you will have to play an undertone.  In some cases, you will have to act according to the will and wish of your arch rival.  A rivalry need not necessarily come from outside - it can be within your camp - hidden and invisible.

You will have to meet some failures in your efforts and may even get dejected that you can not have things done in spite of your best efforts.

You may win in five out of ten attempts.  The happiness of having won will not prevail, since you would be tired of all the efforts you have put in and all the losses you have sustained in all your efforts.

But the gains you have obtained because of your 50% success rate will be substantial and highly profitable.

Financial status will be well within your control and you will be able to serve your objectives with what you have gained.

Only you will not have the mental satisfaction of having achieved something substantial, because of your tiresome efforts.

Health and family relationships will be normal.


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