Astrology-Made Simple


Guru Peyarchi Predictions 2010 - Dhanusu Rashi

Guru Peyarchi due on 08-12-2010 will have its influence for a short period of 3 to 5 months, since Guru transits into Mesha Raasi on Athisaram on the 08th of May 2011, the impact of which can be expected two months in advance.
There will be tentative relief from the present stress or crisis during the month of November 2010, when Guru Baghwan comes back to Kuma Raasi on Vakram (retrograde transit).  It is very unlikely that the relief will continue to persist when Guru Baghwan moves back to Meena Raasi on December 8th, 2010.

When Guru is in the 4th house after December 2010, he will give you the bitter pills again until May 2011.  To worsen the conditions, Sani is already in the 10th house.

These situations do not provide for any stability or growth in the daays to come until May 2011.

The work condition will remain fragile.   There will always prevail a fear or apprehension that the grounds for job security will be gone at any point of time.

It will not be a surprise if you loose your job at some unexpected moment and made to struggle for survial until May 2011.

Relationships with colleagues and superiors will apparently be normal - but actually there is something beneath that really makes a threatening.

For those whose Dasa Bukthi Periods are strong and favourable, the job will go safely and securely - but the strain of excessive workload will make you tired.

It is difficult to earn a good name during this period in spite of all the hard work you have put in.

There will be compelling situations where you will have to travel abroad under duress.  A journey abroad may not be your fancy or in your favour.  Your other conditions including the family conditions may not permit you travel abroad.  Still you will have a compelling situation that you will have to go abroad atleast to protect your job.

If you are contemplating a change of job or company, this is not a time for it.  A change during this period is more likely that you will be left in a "Thirisanagu Sorkkam".  You would have lost the previous grounds of job security and the new job will in no way be promising or encouraging nor will it be lucrative to the expected level.  It will render a condition where you will have to regret your decision.

For business people, neither you will run the show successfully nor will you be able to switch over any other line of activity.

Profit and surpluses?  Do not think of it now.  Try to keep yourself sailing smoothly.  It is more than enough.

Some people will have intentions to invest in housing properties.  Do not venture into any such efforts until May 2011.

In May 2011, you will start to have good openings.  You can fulfill your dreams after that and not now.

Some will have to separate from the family on account of job or business.  You may have to stay in a far away place on account of your profession or business on long term basis.

But ypu will not be able to shift your family to the new place.  A separation of this kind will be visible in some cases.

Health will not co-operate your efforts.  Every now  and then you may have to go for medical treatment and incur expenses


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