Astrology-Made Simple


Nature of Planets (கிரகங்களின் குணங்கள்):Guru (குரு)

Known as the planet of luck, Guru is responsible for all the success, fortune, intellect and religious aspects of our lives. guru signifies high ambitions, knowledge and accomplishments. Consequently, it is a prominent planet in charts of successful priests, religious leaders, politicians, and people pursuing deep knowledge. Guru is the teacher of the science of light, that is, astrology and astronomy. He is the ruler of the Sun and the Moon and controls the movement of the planets. Guru is a benefic planet, signifier of luck and fortune, and he rules religion, philosophy, spirituality, wealth, and progeny. He is noble, buoyant, dignified, fruitful, optimistic, jovial, and masculine. If favorable, this planet gives name, fame, success, honor, wealth, progeny and good relationship with progeny, and it brings benefits to whatever planets or house it is associated with. The color of Guru is yellow. Thursday is his day, and north-east is his direction. He is big, old looking, and has a pot belly. He is self-illuminating (this is said also in Western astronomy). One of his names is Guru, which means “heavy’ (in weight) and also “teacher”.


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