- It is necessary to know exact birth time and date before calculating moon sign and lagna. Lagna can change even in few minutes. So its necessary to note the birth time as soon as the baby is born.
- For sun sign, birth date is enough.
- Some people have the habit of seeing sun sign prediction for their moon sign (for eg.if a persons moon sign is aquarius and his sun sign is aries, he will be looking aquarius prediction under sun sign which is not related to him). This is wrong way of predicting one's character.
- Moon sign is based on vedic astrology and sun sign is based on western astrology. So they are different.
- If u want to calculate your moon sign and lagna, you can give your birth date and time in comments section. If you want personalised details, you can send the details to my mail id dreamstar.1987@gmail.com
- Marriage match is given in my blog. This match is based on generalised prediction. With this you can know which nakshatra suits. But its always necessary to consult an astrologer before marriage.
- You can ask your doubts about astrology in comments section and you can expect best solution.
Read it First-Some Basic Info about Astro
Pisces Sun Sign Prediction
(February 19 to March 20)
Pisces is a Water Sign
Here is the most modest and unassuming sign of the zodiac. Pisces
people acquire knowledge, then fail to show it, often regarding it of
little consequence and believing that other people who brag about their
ability must actually know more than they do. Their governing planet,
Jupiter, has much to do with this, for it endows these Pisces people with
a nature so generous that it becomes overly trusting. Because of their
unselfish dispositions, persons of this sign fail to realize their own
possibilities. The greater their honesty, the more doubtful they become
as to their own ability. This produces fear of the future, which in turn
causes them immediate worry. Hence, Pisces people are perhaps the
most cautious of all, where their own efforts are concerned. But, thanks
to their jovial dispositions, people of this sign ride over deep troubles
almost as trifles.
Birth Stone: Aquamarine
Color: Turquoise
Power Stone: Amethyst
Metal: Platinum
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Flower: Lotus
Pisces is a Water element, ruled by mystical Neptune! This sign is extremely receptive,
nurturing, compassionate, and other-directed. As with Scorpio, we have to explore and probe to
find out the depths of this water. Pisces feelings run very, very deep. A mutable nature endows
Pisces with adaptable and unifying energy. These sensitive people are like the water that flows
gently downstream, around the rocks and obstacles in its path. Pisces receptivity can translate
into psychic energy. Pisces knows all and sees all but probably won't tell' all. The Fishes keep
the secrets of the universe within and to themselves. Without balance, Pisces can sink into the
whirlpool of emotion. This can bring out hidden fears and insecurities. Lack of ego-strength can
make Pisces feel dependent and helpless. Then they can fall into the martyr trap. Pisces benefit
by truthfully sharing their own difficulties, feelings, and need. They need to remember that they
too have the right to receive all the help and support they are so used to giving! A happy,
confident Pisces brightens the world and all our lives.
The Positive Side of Pisces:
The Piscean can often understand the problems of others quite easily. He has a
sympathetic nature. Kindly, he is often dedicated in the way he goes about helping others.
The sick and the troubled often turn to him for advice and assistance.
He is very broadminded and does not criticize others for their faults. He knows how to
accept people for what they are. On the whole, he is a trustworthy and earnest person. He is
loyal to his friends and will do what he can to help them in time of need. Generous and
good-natured, he is a lover of peace; he is often willing to help others solve their differences.
People who have taken a wrong turn in life often interest him and he will do what he can to
persuade them to rehabilitate themselves.
He has a strong intuitive sense and most of the time he knows how to make it work for him;
the Pisccean is unusually perceptive and often knows what is bothering someone before
that person, himself, is aware of it. The Pisces man or woman is an idealistic person,
basically, and is interested in making the world a better person, basically, and is interested
in making the world a better place in which to live. The Piscean believes that everyone
should help each other. He is willing to do more than his share in order to achieve
cooperation with others.
The person born under this sign often is talented in music or art. He is a receptive person;
he is able to take the ups and downs of life with philosophic calm.
The Negative Side of Pisces:
Some Pisceans are often depressed; their outlook on life is rather glum. They may feel that
they have been given a bad deal in life and that others are always taking unfair advantage of
them. The Piscean sometimes feel that the world is a cold and cruel place. He is easily
discouraged. He may even withdraw from the harshness of reality into a secret shell of his
own where he dreams and idles away a good deal of his time.
The Piscean can be rather lazy. He lets things happen without giving the least bit of
resistance. He drifts along, whether on the high road or on the low. He is rather short on will
power. Some Pisces people seek escape through drugs or alcohol. When temptation comes along they find it hard to resist. In matters of sex, they can be rather permissive.
Pisces Introduction
The sign of the Fish rules the House of the Unconscious, which says a lot about the world that
Pisceans live in. A dreamy state is very attractive to these folks, one where some delicious
secrets are hidden from their lover, only to be sprung upon them at the right moment. The Fish
enjoys alternating between conscious and unconscious states, the better to develop a romance in their vivid minds. When it's back to earth, Pisceans are selfless and intuitive and love to serve
their lover. Showering a partner with exquisite fantasies and other sweet things becomes a
blissful state for both. The emotions of the Fish run deep and can be rather erotic if their lover
knows how to release them. Those born under this Water sign can flow like a river and have a
sensitive and spiritual nature, which can be quite alluring.
Pisces in Romance
Whoever coined the term "dream lover" must have been thinking of Pisces, for these folks often
have their head in the clouds, playing with this fantasy or that. Truth be told, can there be a better place for romance? Once back to Earth, the shy Fish will pursue affairs of the heart slowly, carefully and prettily, their aesthetic sensibilities as finely tuned as any sign of the Zodiac. The magical mystery tour of romance with Pisces can be most unpredictable, with hearts and flowers one day and games with veils the next. Either way, they will definitely serve their lover, for this is something which brings them great joy. It's a seductive romance dance for the Fish, and a great one at that, for there is hardly anywhere else they'd rather be.
Pisces in Relationship
Pisceans exhibit an easygoing, go-with-the-flow quality, which is a boon to relationships. These
folks would definitely rather make love than war, the better to stay in their sybaritic, dreamlike
state. The Fish's relationship with their lover is characterized by imagination, sensitivity and great emotions, and they'll sometimes wear their heart on their sleeve. Because of this, a lover who can protect them and make them feel safe (as opposed to the dreaded vulnerability) is ideal. Giving is also paramount in the Pisces mind, yet sometimes those born under this sign run the risk of giving too much, thanks to their selfless nature. The appropriate push-pull, or melding of the yin and the yang, will mean beautiful music for the Fish and their well-matched lover. The ideal Pisces soul mate is more grounded than they are but still loves to play.
Pisces in Love
As with so much of Pisces' life, if love can be a dreamy state of fantasies and play, a magical tour of mind, body and soul, all the better. These spiritual folk like to combine the real and surreal, so that love with the Fish becomes a creative hyper-state where almost anything is possible. Conservatives need not apply! There is an electric quality to the Fish that makes them almost magnetic in love, although their lover may not be sure just quite what it is that is so attractive. This mysterious quality that Pisceans possess can be quite the aphrodisiac in the game of love. The Fish is an empathetic sort and loves to serve their lover. These folks also love completely, for this sacred state is about the best that life on Earth can bring. Love can be scary for the Fish, but when it's right, it's likely to transcend all limits and reach a brave new world.
Pisces and Sex
Sex is an emotional affair for the Fish, as is the case with much of their lives. Pisces is a sensual and creative lover, adoring playful sex and romping through erotic fantasies. Shyness goes out the door, if it's the bedroom door we're talking about! The Fish has a great appetite for sex and loves to keep things fluid and changeable. If their lover can indulge them in flights of fancy, they'll be primed all night long. For Pisceans, love and sex as a complete union is best, the better to feel safe, free and totally uninhibited. The Fish also loves to please their lover, so this union will definitely sizzle for two. As for the sexiest kind of play, it's in the water for the wet and wild Fish.
What Pisces Needs?
The Fish adores that person who can help complete them -- a yin to their yang, that person who
can draw them out and gently bring them down to a safe place on Earth -- is a keeper. Pisceans
also crave a comfort level, a certain sense of security which says "hey, you're okay" and helps
them to relax and trust. If their lover can protect them from the harsh realities of life and keep
them from retreating to the safety of a dream world, all the better. Loving creative play as they do, a partner who can feed Pisces' muse will insure a serendipitous journey for both.
The Pisces lover is caring and compassionate, a sensitive and intuitive soul who brings a starry eyed quality to the real world. The mystical and magical Fish can make playtime a lifetime of fun
with the right person. Anyone primed for adventures into the unknown will find it here!
Aquarius Sun Sign Prediction
(January 20 to February 18)
Aquarius is an Air Sign
This has been styled the humanitarian sign because many persons born
under Aquarius dedicate themselves to causes, take on great missions
and advance the affairs of humanity in general. Their governing planet,
Saturn, supplies them with a reticence or natural reserve which enables
them to accomplish things in a quite, surprising way. It also has a
studious influence and helps to endow them with fine and useful
memories. Primarily, Aquarians are simple, unassuming persons. They
absorb knowledge readily and show a frank and friendly attitude that
makes them popular. They often like to be alone but not for morbid
reasons. They use solitude to concentrate on new ideas and to make
important decisions. Also, much of their real work is done when they
are by themselves. Aquarians who develop the honesty and kindly
sentiments of this sign will attain great heights.
Birth stone: Amethyst
Color: Electric Blue
Power Stone: Amazonite
Metal: Aluminium
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Flower: White Orchid
Ruled by shocking Uranus is a element of Air, Aquarius very much epitomes the planet that
inspires it. This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill. Aquarius may the sign
of the rugged individualist, the mad scientist and the lone eccentric, but this visionary also
represents social interaction and higher consciousness. Aquarius' title, the "Humanitarian of the
Zodiac," is well earned! For a fixed sign, Aquarius has a lot of adaptability. Attribute this to the
need to accommodate others. A passion for life, new things, and novel situations sends
Aquarius in all directions! Without stability and a willingness to listen, however, this sign can
become erratic. Aquarius can try many new things but end up mastering none. That can stifle
the great success potential here. Slowing down long enough to establish a solid foundation
gives Aquarius the ability to ground his or her electrical energy. Receptivity can calm rebellious
tendencies, especially those that put a member of this sign at cross-purposes with his or her
boss! Aquarius' future-oriented energies give all members of this sign the advantage of living as
if they are well into the 25th Century!
The Positive Side of Aquarius:
The Aquarius man or woman is usually very honest and forthright. These are his two
greatest qualities. His standards for himself are generally very high. He can always be relied
upon by others. His word is his bond.
The Aquarian is perhaps the most tolerant of all the Zodiac personalities. He respects other
people’s beliefs and feels that everyone is entitles to his own approach to life.
He would never do anything to injure another’s feelings. He is never unkind or cruel. Always
considerate of others, the Aquarian is always willing to help a person in need. He feels a
very strong tie between himself and all the other members of mankind.
The person born under this sign is almost always an individualist. He does now believe in
teaming up with the masses, but prefers going his own way. His ideas about life and
mankind are often quite advanced. There is a saying to the effect that the average Aquarian
is fifty years ahead of his time.
He is broadminded. The problems of the world concern him greatly. He is interested in
helping others no matter what part of the globe they live in. He is truly a humanitarian sort.
He likes to be of service to others.
Giving, considerate, and without prejudice, Aquarians have no trouble getting along with
The Negative Side of Aquarius:
The Aquarian may be too much of a dreamer. He makes plans but seldom carries them out.
He is rather unrealistic. His imagination has a tendency to run away with him. Because
many of his plans are impractical, he is always in some sort of a dither.
Others may not approve of him at all times because of his unconventional behavior. He may
be a bit eccentric. Sometimes he is so busy with his own thoughts, that he loses touch with
the realities of existence.
Some Aquarians feel they are more clever and intelligent than others. They seldom admit to
their own faults, even when they are quite apparent. Some become rather fanatic in their
views. Their criticism of others is sometimes destructive and negative.
Romantic Sun Sign Profiles
Aquarius Introduction
The Age of Aquarius and the futuristic explorations it brings to mind are very much in synch with
those of people born under this sign. The Water Bearer is a visionary, caring and giving lover who sees the beauty in friendship and the mutual attainment of shared ideals. These independent souls are a fount of ideas, forever dazzling friends and other groups with their quicksilver mind and humanitarian spirit. Mental fireworks are the sexiest kind for the oft-overflowing Water Bearer, and they are captivated by a lover who shares their quest for a better world. An intuitive partner who is willing to look outside the box in the hopes of becoming a more complete being will win an Aquarian's heart straightaway. The Water Bearer is a flirtatious charmer who is at home with many but also appreciates the pleasures created by two.
Aquarius in Romance
Sociable Aquarius rules the House of Friends, which means that many a courtship will begin in a group setting. Once the Water Bearer zeroes in on a target, though, an offbeat and zany romance is likely to ensue. Mental gymnastics are only half the fun, since the Aquarian mind also has a great facility for creative and imaginative play. A visit to a children's museum with the idea of improving already good exhibits is entirely plausible, and something which the Water Bearer can make very seductive. It is safe to say that a partner who appreciates Aquarian quirks is the best bet. Since the Water Bearer will keep some secrets just that, a lover who can gently draw them out will create a romance dance that goes on and on and on.
Aquarius in Relationship
The Water Bearer has many relationships -- the real prize, though, is in finding that perfect one.
Aquarians love to give pleasure, in keeping with their altruistic and philanthropic spirit. They also
tend to seek agreement in their friendly and harmonious way, a real boon in the give and take of
partnership. A progressive nonconformist is a blessing to the Water Bearer, and if they can give
them the space they crave, even better. The key to real passion for Aquarians, however, is in
connecting with that lover who can make vulnerability safe for them. Aquarians are so often busy caring for the masses that they forget about themselves! A lover who can help the Water Bearer get in touch with their innermost feelings and teach them to put the analyzing aside will tap into a torrent of emotion waiting to be released. The ideal Aquarius soul mate is an Einstein with lots of soul.
Aquarius in Love
The analytical Aquarian approaches the game of love slowly, methodically and deliberately.
Playing the game of love is fun in and of itself and should not be rushed. While falling in love, the Water Bearer can fill myriad roles for a lover, thanks to their keen mental energy and boundless commitment to a good cause. Conversely, a lover who won't play along will meet an immovable object in righteous Aquarius. The greatest challenge in love for the Water Bearer is intimacy, the emotional and empathetic aspect of love. Without it, love is incomplete, so those born under this sign must find that space where they can feel and trust. If that is achieved, love with Aquarius can soar to the stratosphere.
Aquarius and Sex
As befits an Air sign, Aquarians tend to approach sex via the mind. If they can share and discuss their thoughts with their lover, matters in bed will be greatly enhanced. Their natural curiosity will also lead them to experiment with creative play between the sheets, so watch out! Pushing the envelope is a natural response for these folks, and they'll continually test the waters for ever greater pleasures. A delicious mystery lurks beneath the surface of these oft-controlled souls, and the lover who can call their bluff is in for a wild ride. The issue of mind vs. body, and which is more important, is also with the Water Bearer. A lover who can convince them of the pleasure principle will set this sexual being free.
What Aquarius Needs?
Aquarians often believe that their way is the best way, so it's no surprise that they'd be interested in a lover who mirrors many of their own good qualities. Social interactions and the ability to dazzle the masses for a good cause are near and dear to the Water Bearer's heart, and a helpmate in these areas is their just reward. An open-minded and flexible person, one willing to explore boundless horizons, will also help them reach new heights. A lover who exhibits warmth and understanding can fill a key void in Aquarius' life, and if they also embrace the beauty of sharing, the relationship could go very far.
The Aquarius lover is unconventional yet innovative, a charmer who can wow a crowd and draws great strength from the partner at their side. Their cup runneth over when they are in the
company of a passionate and committed soul. The mental fireworks which will surely ensue are a sight to behold!
Capricorn Sun Sign Prediction
(December 22 to January 19)
(December 22 to January 19)
Capricorn is an Earth Sign
This is the scholarly, intellectual sign, producing deep thinkers and
philosophers, yet with it, Capricorn people apply themselves to
practical things. This aspect helps them shake off the gloomy moods
caused by their governing planet, Saturn. As a result, Capricorns are
generally regarded as extremists, though often they are simply striving
to strike a proper balance. These people are calm and deliberate in
method and action. They approach new subjects in a scholarly fashion
and instinctively try to increase their range of knowledge. They are
good organizers as well as philosophers and they like to think things
out alone. Here, they show the Saturnian love of solitude, which is good
when practically applied, but should be avoided if it produces morbid
trends. Capricorns have something resembling a psychic sense and are
often quite aware of it.
Birth Stone: Garnet
Color: Earth Colors
Power Stone: Onyx
Metal: Silver
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Flower: Geranium
Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs, ruler of Saturn. Here is a stabilizing force, one of the
hardest-working signs of the Zodiac. The Mountain Goat has intense powers of self concentration, but not in an egotistical sense. Members of this sign find a great deal more
confidence what they do than in who they are. Earth hangs tough when it comes to stabilization,
so achievement provides that stability and structure. Capricorn is one very high-achiever!
Without balance, however, Capricorn can become too rigid -- as in the tall palm tree, falling to
the ground, under heavy wind-gusts. To be able to move with the winds of change, the
Mountain Goat must bend and flex a little bit! That makes life much easier. Capricorn can also
focus too much on achievement. Then they forget the little joys in life. When the Goat finally
relaxes and enjoys life, his or her most delightful secrets emerge. No one has a better sense of
humor than the Capricorn. Oh, that Cap might let us bask in that warm smile! :-)
The Positive Side of Capricorn:
The person born under the sign of Capricorn is usually very stable and patient. He sticks to
whatever task he has and sees them through. He can always be relied upon and he is not
averse to work.
An honest person, the Capricornian is generally serious about whatever he does. He does
not take his duties lightly. He is a practical person and believes in keeping his feet on the
Quite often the person born under this sign is ambitious and knows how to get what he
wants out of life. He forges ahead and never gives up his goal. When he is determined
about something, he almost always wins. He is a good worker-a hard worker. Although
things may not come easy to him, he will not complain but continue working until his chores
are finished.
He is usually good at business matters and knows the value of money. He is not a
spendthrift and knows how to put something away for a rainy day; he dislikes waste and
unnecessary loss.
The Capricornian knows how to make use of his self-control. He can apply himself to almost
anything once he puts his mind to it. His ability to concentrate sometimes astounds others.
He is diligent and does well when involved in detail work.
The Capricorn man or woman is charitable, generally speaking, and will do what is possible
to help others less fortunate. As friend, he is loyal and trustworthy. He never shirks his
duties or responsibilities. He is self-reliant and never expects too much of the other fellow.
He does what he can on his own. If someone does him a good turn, then he will do his best
to return the favor.
The Negative Side of Capricorn:
Like everyone, the Capricornian, too, has his faults. At times, he can be over-critical of
others. He expects others to live up to his own high standards. He thinks highly of himself
and tends to look down on others.
His interest in material things may be exaggerated. The Capricorn man or woman thinks too
much about getting on in the world and having something to show for it. He may even be a
little greedy.
He sometimes thinks he knows what’s the best for everyone. He is too bossy. He is always
trying to organize and correct others. He may be a little narrow in his thinking. Romantic Sun Sign Profiles
Capricorn Introduction
The worker bees of the Zodiac are Capricorns, an ambitious and determined lot who are willing to do what it takes to get what they want. It sounds like this work could be fun where love is
concerned, especially if the payoff is silky sweet. Much like the Sea Goat, which symbolizes the
members of this Sign, Capricorn is forever climbing and reaching for greater heights. Where a
lover is concerned, the crescendo of dating, romance and mating can be electric, indeed. The
Sea Goat is also organized and happy to craft a beautiful romance for that special someone.
Social status is also important to Capricorn, so it's more than likely that the mating game will
involve a healthy dose of glamour and dazzle. The one who wins their heart will be powerful in
both the boardroom and the bedroom. Yes, power is a strong aphrodisiac for the sleek Sea Goat, and in return, their lover will get a most devoted and grateful partner.
Capricorn in Romance
The often traditional, somewhat reserved and usually cautious Sea Goat is certain to take some
time to size up the stakes in the game of love. Capricorn knows what they want, and once they fix their eyes on the prize, will work hard to get it. These folks are winners and often attract the
same. They also like things to be orderly and pretty and know that they'll get much more with
honey than with vinegar. Focused as they are on appearances, Capricorn is likely to lure an
attractive lover and one who will give them the full flush of love. Nothing could be sexier! The
smart Sea Goat enjoys combining the practical and the romantic, which means that anything it
does is likely to combine both work and play. Toiling with this prancing animal, though, can be
loads of fun.
Capricorn in Relationship
Where the 'us' thing is concerned, Capricorn keeps the ground rules pretty simple: Those with
money, power and the trappings of success should step up to the plate. A relationship with the
Sea Goat does cut both ways, for those born under this sign will work hard at taking a union with the right person to newer and continually greater heights. If their lover can throw in a dash of excitement along the way, all the better, since the Sea Goat loves a splashy social occasion and the chance to flash some finery. A bit of solidity, along with excitement and passion, is just the right mix. In the ideal relationship, the Sea Goat is a wellspring of love; a lover who can give off themselves completely and protect the object of their affections. Capricorn's ideal soul mate is at the top of their game and willing to take the Sea Goat along for this stylish ride.
Capricorn in Love
The person out there wailing "Is that all there is?" a la Peggy Lee might well be a Capricorn, since love can at times be difficult for these folks. This measure of mistrust might well be attributed to a fear of losing oneself in affairs of the heart. The good news is that with the right one, the Sea
Goat positively blooms in love, and is a loyal and devoted partner. When they give, their love is
total. Not only that, it's also delicious for both, since Capricorns can easily engage in dreamy
states where their lover's complete satisfaction is all that's on their mind. This can mean creating a beautiful home (although it's likely to be with their lover's money) or being the perfect partner at a party. Love is a blissful state for the Sea Goat, and one which they will work hard to keep.
Capricorn and Sex
Behind that cool Capricorn exterior lies a white-hot interior waiting to be discovered by a worthy
lover. Splendor beneath the sheets is likely to be a straight-ahead affair for the Sea Goat, since
this practical Earth sign doesn't need anything flashy or fancy to get aroused. The arousal here is from being happily in love, since love and sex do go hand in hand for Capricorn. The Sea Goat is a persistent, passionate and loyal lover, so whoever is on the receiving end is in for a guaranteed good time. While Capricorns abhor being dependent on their lover, they would certainly like to be nurtured by them and exposed to new levels of delight. There is no doubting that the frisky Sea Goat can explode with an understanding, strong and libidinous partner.
What Capricorn Needs?
The competitive streak in the Sea Goat means that they are attracted to a game that's fun -- and
also one which they can probably win. It's likely that their sights will be fixed on someone classy
and sexy and also with plenty of money and tales of success to turn heads, including theirs. The
right partner is also responsive and has their feet planted firmly on the ground, as they do. If the
Sea Goat's mate can both chill them out and bring them out, it could be a match made in sexy
The Capricorn lover sets goals, works hard and won't be denied. They are ambitious yet devoted, an intense (often internal) flame waiting to burn for the right person. Those lucky enough to latch on will have a winner in their midst, and a fun one at that!