Astrology-Made Simple


18 Rules in Vaastu for Peace and Prosperity

Vaastu shastra dates back to the Vedas or the eternal books of knowledge. It is referred to as an Upaveda of Atharvaveda. Vaastu crosses the frontiers of material science when it speaks of the concept of Vaastu Purusha Mandala. The science personifies space and its importance as Vaastu Purusha. The ancient masters’ concept of channelizing space energies into an area called Mandala to give humanity peace and prosperity was later handed over to modern world by Einstein as E=mc2 (Energy and matter are inter-convertible).

Gross energy, identified as Vaastu (sthoola) and subtle energy as Vaastu (Sookshma) very clearly highlight the importance of both physical and metaphysical aspects of construction.

A high degree of precision is used in measurements, the smallest unit being the Paramanu or the atom. The Angula and the Hasta are the standard units of measurements for buildings and Idols. Ayadi Shadvarga or Six-Force formulae should be used to orient the building properly and arrive at the correct dimensions. The compatibility of the nakshatra of the building to the nakshatra of the owner or resident of the property is of prime importance. Muhurtha at four stages of construction play an important part in giving the residents of a building peace and prosperity.

CLICK HERE for principles of vaastu


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